Regarding Jesus being God,
He's not. This thinking is not divine any more than the
formula: 3=1 --a doctrine make by men, held-to by tradition.
Start listing scriptures about each and their relationship to
each other. It will come together very nicely. You will
also be able to know if the Holy Spirit is a force
[Moffatt says, "Divine Energy." ] or a person.
You will find that the Holy Spirit has independent
intelligence that he exercises. You will also realize
what the Bible doesn't tell us, but it tells enough.
So have fun! I found it fun.
The WatchTower is very shallow about really explaining
Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They like to get in the way
and control. They take the place of one's relationship
with Jesus, and they don't understand how the Counselor
works in a Christian life, not really.
The closest one can come with the Jesus / God relationship
is that Jesus is the preeminent representation of God.
Jesus is one with God, right. He said the Father and I
are one. Well, we are one with Jesus. Jesus and I are one.
Jesus is in me and I am Jesus, but I am not Jesus and
he's not me. Are you and I one on this?
If God wanted to represent himself to us in a way that
could best be done, what better way to do this than
to put all the divine fullness of himself into his Son,
for us to relate to. The Bible doesn't get in any more
clear than this.
Again, all the Divine fullness of God was given [put into] Jesus.
However, the fact remains that they are still two different
persons, not the same, not the same by simultaneous location.
God is here; Jesus is there. They are not one person.
Think dear Christian!
Jesus is over everything** in Heaven and Earth; however, he
eventually hands all things back over to his Father, right?
...such that all things in Heaven and Earth are under
[returned to]the Father.
**[The Father apparently steps-aside for a time and entrusts
everything to his son because he is worthy of it,
with honor... ]
A related thought: Genesis 1:1 says, God created (formed) the Heavens
and the Earth. If one takes the Heavens and Earth to be
the universe, then God apparently is not bound by the
containment of the Universe, right? I mean He existed
before the Universe, his creation. Think of the Universe
as being a house for God, his own dwelling place. So
he entrusts this dwelling place to our Lord Jesus Christ,
and eventually Jesus gives it back.
From the Father himself, Jesus is called Mighty God [not the
Almighty] , Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor...
Free In Christ Jesus our Lord & Savior, as the Father would have it.